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Supporting Veterans

Veterans Health Administration sent this bulletin at 08/18/2021 03:29 PM EDT

The ongoing events in Afghanistan and the upcoming 20th anniversary of the September 11 attack has had a direct impact on our nation’s Veterans and their loved ones. As Veterans of all eras react to these events, we want to make you aware of resources available to help support Veterans during what may be a difficult time.
Veterans may be questioning the meaning of their service or whether it was worth the sacrifices they made. They may feel more moral distress about experiences they had during their service. VA is committed to making sure that the well-being of every Veteran is addressed.
As our community provider partners, we ask you to take extra care of our Veterans during these challenging times. Please encourage them and their loved ones to talk with their friends and families, reach out to battle buddies, or connect with a peer-to-peer network, a spiritual leader, and/or mental health provider.
There are a number of resources readily available to Veterans listed below. We encourage you to share them with the Veterans and their beneficiaries that you serve.

VA Resources

Veterans Crisis Line - If you are having thoughts of suicide, call 1-800-273-8255, then PRESS 1 or visit You can also Chat or Text 838255.
For emergency mental health care, you can also go directly to your local VA medical center 24/7 regardless of your discharge status or enrollment in other VA health care.

Vet Centers - Discuss how you feel with other Veterans in these community-based counseling centers. 70% of Vet Center staff are Veterans. Call 1-877-927-8387 or find one near you.

VA Mental Health Services Guide - This guide will help you sign up and access mental health services. - Information, resources, and Veteran to Veteran videos for challenging life events and experiences with mental health issues.

Download VA's self-help apps - Tools to help deal with common reactions like, stress, sadness, and anxiety. You can also track your symptoms over time.

VA Women Veterans Call Center - Call or text 1-855-829-6636 (M-F 8AM - 10PM & SAT 8AM - 6:30PM ET)

VA Caregiver Support Line - Call 1-855-260-3274 (M-F 8AM - 10PM & SAT 8AM - 5PM ET)
Center for Minority Veterans

VA Caregiver Support Line - Call 1-855-260-3274 (M-F 8AM - 10PM & SAT 8AM - 5PM ET)

Other Resources

Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) - Request a Peer Mentor

Together We Served - Find your battle buddies through unit pages.

Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) - Request a Peer Mentor

George W. Bush Institute - Need help or want to talk? Check In or call:1-630-522-4904 or email:

Elizabeth Dole Foundation Hidden Heroes - Join the Community

American Red Cross Military Veteran Caregiver Network - Peer Support and Mentoring

Team Red, White & Blue - Hundreds of events weekly. Find a chapter in your area.

Student Veterans of America - Find a campus chapter to connect with.

Team Rubicon - Find a local support squad.

VA is also running a series on Afghanistan on its VAntage Point blog featuring Veterans’ thoughts and perspectives on their time there and the drawdown.
In addition to news and resources provided on VAntage Point, Veterans can sign up to receive regular updates and resources through VA’s VetResources newsletter.






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